Modern theoretical and practical aspects of the process of organisation of financing of socially important projects on the basis of fundraising Journal title: Проблеми економіки Authors: Alla Glebova Subject(s):
The communication effects of sponsorship in local sports markets Journal title: Quality in Sport Authors: Sławomir Kowalski Subject(s): Business Administration, Sports and Recreation, Human Resource Management, Management and Strategy, Entertainment, Sports and Gaming Law, Management and Marketing, Professional Sports
MARKETING STRATEGY IN SPORTS SPONSORSHIP Journal title: Sport Mont Authors: Srećko Novaković Subject(s):
SPORTSKO SPONZORSTVO KAO DISTINKTIVNA KOMPETENCIJA Journal title: Sport Mont Authors: Čedomir Ljubojević, Larisa Vetro Subject(s):
AMBUSH MARKETING: THE UNOFFICIAL FREE RIDING Journal title: International journal of research -GRANTHAALAYAH Authors: Subject(s):
Promotion instruments of luxury brands – an example using the car market Journal title: Debiuty Naukowe Studentów Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej Authors: Arkadiusz Like Subject(s):
DIRECTIONS AND FORMS OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC RESPONSIBILITY OF AN ENTERPRISE Journal title: Вісник Одеського національного університету. Економіка. Authors: M. M. Dielini Subject(s):
THE DEVELOPMENTS OF THE FIRMS BEFORE AND AFTER SPORT SPONSORHIPS Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Mustafa Taha DEMİR Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
ФІНАНСОВЕ ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ РОЗВИТКУ КУЛЬТУРНО-МИСТЕЦЬКИХ ІНДУСТРІЙ В УКРАЇНІ Journal title: Наукові записки Національного університету "Острозька академія", серія "Економіка" Authors: Тетяна Кізима Subject(s):
Інноваційні підходи до управління розвитком олімпійського спорту (на прикладі маркетингової компанії олімпіади в Сочі) [Innovative approaches to control the development of Olympic sports] Journal title: European Journal of Management Issues Authors: V. G. Savchenko, V. I. Sazonets Subject(s): Economics, Entrepreneurship, International Business , Management Science
Nagroda wypłacana sportowcowi, a składnik majątku małżonków. Glosa do wyroku Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 23 maja 2013 r., I CSK 515/12 Journal title: Studia Prawnicze. Rozprawy i Materiały Authors: Katarzyna Stępień Subject(s):
ESSENTIAL ASPECTS OF SPONSORSHIP RELATIONSHIPS Journal title: EMC Review: Časopis za ekonomiju i tržišne komunikacije Authors: Anđela Mikić, Maja Đokić, Biljana Panić Subject(s):
Identifying and Ranking Of Deterring Factors of Financial Sponsorship (Support) Related To Sport from the Perspective of Professionals, Directors and Heads of Sport Boards of Kurdistan Province Journal title: International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention Authors: Teymur Soleimanbegi, Kourosh Veisi Subject(s):
The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship Journal title: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention Authors: Aditya Mittal, Amutha Manavalan Subject(s):