A Study Of Pattern Of Various Skin Diseases In Patients Attending To SKIN OPD, RIMS General Hospital, Srikakulam, Andhrapradesh.
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue 9
Background: There has been a rise in the magnitude of dermatological diseases in India. It is generally agreed that the pattern of skin diseases differs in different countries, and within the various regions of same country depending on social, economic, racial and environmental factors. Many workers have reported various patterns of skin diseases from different parts of India. So far, no such report is available from this backward district of Andhra Pradesh state. To fill the lacunae, we decided to undertake a study on the skin disease pattern in this premier hospital of Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh state. *Objective & Aim: We conducted this study to find out the various patterns of skin diseases in relation to age, sex, occupation, and socio-economic status which influence the patients attending to SKIN OPD, RIMS GENERAL HOSPITAL, in SRIKAKULAM which is a tertiary care hospital and to identify the risk factors of skin diseases among the population of our area and to determine the burden of these diseases in our set up.* Materials and Methods : The study included all the newly diagnosed cases attended to the OPD of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy, RIMS General Hospital, Srikakulam, for a period of one year (from 1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018 ). Diagnosis was done on clinical grounds and laboratory investigations were done whenever required like KOH preparation, slit skin smear for AFB, Tzank smear, wood's lamp examination, VDRL test, skin biopsy, culture etc. We recorded 24,550 new cases of both male and female of all age groups within this specified period.*Results: An analytic study of the medical records of patients attended to the dermatology outpatient department of RIMS Hospital showed that Fungal Infections (Mycoses) 7023 (28.60%) constituted most of the dermatoses and was the most common disease. Allergic Disorders & Drug Eruption 4,828 (19.66%) is in the second position. In our study, it is clear that the fungal and parasitic infestations are the commonest infective skin disorders instead of bacterial infections and Contact dermatitis was the most common entity seen in Allergic Disorders. *Summary & Conclusion : The present study infers that on contrary to many such studies performed, females (45%) formed the majority of the study population and Fungal infections formed the majority and ranked first among the present disease conditions and effecting the patients’ Quality of life. Hence as a whole the present study necessitates the need for further such studies so as to provide further insight on the pattern of skin diseases and their extent of effect on patient’s quality of life.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. M. Kanaka Prasada Rao, Dr. P. Guru Prasad
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