Aiding the Psychophysical Development of a Child with Developmental Dyslexia – Standard and “Non-Standard” Therapeutic Procedures. A Case Study
Journal Title: Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce - Year 2016, Vol 11, Issue 3
The text refers to the theoretical basis of specific learning difficulties, being a consequence of developmental disturbances typical for children with developmental dyslexia. The text also presents the analysis of an individual case, showing the use of “non-standard” therapeutic actions carried out in parallel with a standard procedure and therapy through art. the implemented procedures contributed to the mitigation of the effects of specific developmental disorders and their impact on the incidence of specific learning difficulties experienced by children in whom the symptoms of dyslexia were observed in early childhood and who were diagnosed with spatial developmental dyslexia in grade III of primary school. The aim of the analysis was to present the therapeutic actions using two complementary paths of therapy – the standard and “non-standard” ones. The second path was particularly interesting because it was based on the interests of a child, which allowed the support to overcome specific learning difficulties in accordance with the personalized needs of the child. On this basis, the use of the “therapy tailored to the child’s needs” taking into account the functional profile of a child, allows us to progressively and effectively overcome the difficulties associated with developmental dyslexia and those stemming from the school’s requirements.
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Skibska
Muzeum jako miejsce – przestrzeń edukacji Recenzja książki: Renata Pater, Edukacja muzealna – muzea dla dzieci i młodzieży, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2016, ss. 228
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