Teachers Who Do Not Teach. To Be a Teacher in the Montessori Elementary Learning Environment

Journal Title: Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce - Year 2018, Vol 13, Issue 1


After a brief introduction to the Montessori model of education (psychological foundations, guiding principles, distinctive features), the Author’s contribution is aimed at giving a satisfactory representation of the Montessori teacher, in particular the one dealing with learners at the elementary school stage. The framework is developed using a selection of sources belonging to three different types: Montessori’s writings, visual materials, empirical data. Each section collects specific material with the intention of bringing it to the attention of the reader, allowing wider reflection from different points of view. The triangulation of the proposed contents and data is seen as a method for considering this complex but fascinating teacher profile both in its theoretical specificities and in its operational qualities in the context in which the teaching-learning process takes place. The desired overall results should allow a greater focus on the profile and role of the Montessori teacher in the elementary school as well as giving the reader himself the opportunity to elaborate further reflections and conclusions independently.

Authors and Affiliations

Monica Salassa


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  • EP ID EP302480
  • DOI 10.14632/eetp.2017.13.47.29
  • Views 80
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How To Cite

Monica Salassa (2018). Teachers Who Do Not Teach. To Be a Teacher in the Montessori Elementary Learning Environment. Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce, 13(1), 29-67. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-302480