An Empirical Study on Customer Satisfaction in Pakistanian Container Ports Based on Kano Model
Journal Title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences - Year 2013, Vol 4, Issue 5
Nowadays changes in global trade and Maritime transportation always will create competition between ports. Following this competition will be absorption of goods, and it will bring about economic boom. It is therefore appropriate to provide facilities to increase satisfaction of Shipping Lines, which in turn can attract the many shipping lines to port and the port will increase their allegiance. Aimed to identification of factors affecting the extent of satisfaction of container shipping lines from port services as well as prioritization of the factors affecting customer satisfaction in Pakistanian container ports, this research has been implemented. Based on the objective, the present research is an applied one as it uses the principles and tactics - formulated in basic researches - for solution of actual and executive problems of Pakistanian container ports. Kano model is applied to reach to the objectives of research. Finally, the indicators affecting shipping lines customers’ satisfaction were determined and classified according to Kano model. Coefficients of satisfaction and dissatisfaction were estimated and prioritized for each one.
Authors and Affiliations
Mohammad dehdari| Group of Chemical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Abadan Branch, Abadan,IRAN., Hassan Jafari*| M. S student in Marine Transportation, Faculty of Maritime EconomicsandManagement, Khoramshahr marine science and technology university,Khoramshahr, IRAN.
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