Analysing of the relationships between behaviours related to organizational justice, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship
Journal Title: Journal of Human Sciences - Year 2015, Vol 12, Issue 2
In this study, the relation between organizational commitment and organizational justice notions which are effective on teachers’ organizational citizenship is demonstrated. This research is a descriptive study in correlational survey method. In the study, high schools in the city centre of Gaziantep were examined, and consisting of 283 teachers. The study was carried out on the easily accessible sample. The data were collected by using a personal data form, organizational justice, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship tools. The data were analyzed with correlation and multiple linear regression methods. In a middle or large scale, positive and meaningful relations between organizational justice, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship the perceptions of teachers were examined. Whether personal and vocational factors are effective on organizational citizenship, or not, was also examined. It was confirmed that organizational justice directly affects organizational citizenship, and also organizational commitment is a partial mediation predictor to organizational citizenship. According to findings obtained, various suggestions were made.
Authors and Affiliations
Ahmet Cezmi Savaş, Abdurrahman Angay, Mehmet Alp
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