Analysis of human movements – a kinesiological approach

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2011, Vol 21, Issue 56


[b]Introduction.[/b] It has been proved that analyses of human motor function by means of isolated sciences, such as anatomy, physiology, mechanics, psychology, pedagogy etc., however useful, do not allow comprehend-ing thoroughly crucial aspects of motor activity. Analyzing and discussing motor sub activities need to adopt a multidisciplinary approach, which joins together particular sciences as whole as well as their specific aspects (theory and methodology of physical education and sport, medicine, sociology, logic, philosophy, cybernetics etc.) as a whole, as well as their specific aspects.[b]Aim of the study.[/b] Forming theoretical basis for kinesiology as an independent discipline of science. Methods. Biomechanical and mental modelling, logical analysis and elimination of contradictions, quantita-tive and qualitative biomechanical analysis, dynamometry, testing, observation.[b]Results.[/b] The author has reviewed and analyzed key psychological, pedagogical and biomechanical approaches developed during the last 50 years. It enabled integrative and complex analysis of human motor functions, specific to kinesiology, and resulted – to some extent – with rationalizing the system of notions in the listed sciences. The following notions have been presented and substantiated: reliability of motor activities and solutions of motor tasks (1963, 1979), qualitative analysis of motor activity (1965, 1979), functional conception of preserving body stability (1965, 1971), conception of two-stageness of organism reactions etc.[b]Conclusion.[/b] The results enables developing more productive approach to the exploration of human motor functions, performing in a more effectively way analyses and syntheses as well as understanding the essence of human motorics, what might be also useful in learning how to solve the motor tasks of any type.

Authors and Affiliations

Vladimir Korenberg


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How To Cite

Vladimir Korenberg (2011). Analysis of human movements – a kinesiological approach. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 21(56), 17-26.