Effectiveness of Learning and Teaching Swimming Activities in the Light of Self-assessment
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2006, Vol 16, Issue 36
The purpose of the work. This paper aims at attempt of evaluating effectiveness of learning and teaching sport activities in the light of selfassessment with reference to the assessment by an expert. Male and female students of the first year of studies at the Academy of Physical Education in Kraków were tested.Material and methods. The basic research method was observation of effects of learning and teaching swimming activities. The level of swimming skill was evaluated with „Criterial Skill Test”, that is students had to swim 50 m in each of swimming techniques they had been taught. A video-record of student’s attempts was the basis for analysis and evaluation id swimming techniques both by the expert and a tested student in the form of self-assessment. Student’s t-test and ANOVA variant analysis were used in searching dependences between the variables.Results and conclusions. Results obtained from observation allowed to state that the tested male and female students were aware of mistakes in swimming technique in he course of learning but majority of them overvaluedtheir skills. Male students assessed their swimming skills much higher than female students.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Dybińska, Marcin Kaca
Motor Control 2004” Conference
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