Analysis of knowledge and attitudes of nurses in surgical department towards donation of bone marrow

Journal Title: Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu - Year 2013, Vol 19, Issue 4


Bone marrow transplantation is a standard procedure for treatment of end-stage failure of the haematopoietic system. Nurses should have credible and up-to-date information on the donation of bone marrow. The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge and attitudes of nurses in surgical departments on bone marrow transplantation. A randomly selected group of nurses working in surgical departments in Warsaw hospitals comprised: 104 women and 21 men. Among the study participants, 47% had a Bachelor›s degree, 28% had a Master›s degree, and 25% had a secondary education. The method of diagnostic survey, voluntary and anonymous questionnaire study, a questionnaire developed by the authors comprising 35 questions were used in the study. Statistical analysis: Statsoft STATISTICA 10.0 (licensed to Warsaw Medical University), Kruskall-Wallis test, p<0.05.Results: As many as 79% of study participants (regardless of their education level) support bone marrow transplantation as a therapeutic method (p=NS). 84% of the study participants stated that in Poland there are too few donors compared to the needs (p=NS), but only 17% of them are registered as potential donors. The main source of knowledge of the study population on transplantation is television and the Internet.Conclusions: 1. In the study group of nurses, regardless of their educational degree, the level of knowledge on bone marrow transplantation was insufficient, which may influence their attitude towards the donation. This supports the need for thorough education on this issue during the course of studies. 2. For the great majority of study participants the Internet is the main source of knowledge on bone marrow transplantation; therefore, it seems to be justified to supplement the university curriculum with reliable and up-to-date medical knowledge on the donation of bone marrow. 3. The majority of the study population admit that campaigns promoting the idea of bone marrow transplantation have educational value, they build awareness of this issue and overturn stereotypes that have a large influence on the attitudes of donors. The development of an effective campaign devoted to healthcare professionals is worth considering. 4. Due to the small number of studies on attitudes towards the donation of bone marrow, a study of this type should be continued in a larger group of nurses.Key wordsnurses, level of knowledge, attitudes, bone marrow, transplantations

Authors and Affiliations

Monika Ławecka, Joanna Gotlib


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How To Cite

Monika Ławecka, Joanna Gotlib (2013). Analysis of knowledge and attitudes of nurses in surgical department towards donation of bone marrow. Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu, 19(4), 425-430.