Knowledge of methods advantageously affecting parturition among pregnant women in the Lublin Region
Journal Title: Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu - Year 2014, Vol 20, Issue 3
introduction: The cooperation between a woman in labour and the midwife, who fulfils an important role in education of families preparing for childbirth, exerts a great effect on the course of labour. The mother expects from the midwife the provision of information concerning the position and birthing amenities, and other methods which affect the course and comfort during childbirth. A well-informed woman, to a lower degree, experiences anxiety, tension and pain, and this knowledge may assist in the performance of a unique and important task – bringing a new life into the world. objective: The objective of the study is the recognition of the level of pregnant women’s knowledge concerning parturition supporting techniques. material and methods: The study was conducted in the Lublin Region among 110 pregnant women, and of this number, 91 who correctly completed questionnaires were qualified for further computer analysis. The research method used was a diagnostic survey and a research instrument, a questionnaire designed by the author. The collected information was statistically analyzed. results: The state of pregnant women’s knowledge in the Lublin Region may be considered as relatievly good. However, constant education should not be discontinued for families preparing for childbirth in the area of amenities and the necessity for assuming various vertical positions which relieve pain and increase the effectiveness of labour. Correct breathing in combination with a vertical position considerably accelerates delivery. conclusions: Support of a woman in labour from the emotional and educational aspects is an important task of the midwife. Education should be based on the improvement of knowledge concerning positions applied during labour and methods which make its course more efficient. Each woman in a different way experiences pain and anxiety related with delivery; therefore, all mothers should be approached individually. It is important to promote family deliveries, because this positively affects the state of a woman and the course of labour.
Authors and Affiliations
Mariola Król, Paulina Kaczor, Magdalena Grobelny
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