Anthropological bases of philosophical and pedagogical searches of H. Chelpanov: problem of experimental pedagogy


The article reveals the anthropological premises of pedagogical searches of Ukrainian professional academic philosophy at the end of XIX – at the beginning of XX century. Based on the research of H. Chelpanov’s works, we have redefined the experimental pedagogy`s role through the prism of the explication of the soul phenomenon as organic integrity of the human soul life and the impossibility of its experimental verification. The peculiarities of the psychological and pedagogical discourse formation in the problematic field of H. Celpanov’s critical analysis of the contemporary humanitarian science and the denial of views on the derivation of ideal processes from the material phenomena is highlighted. The article also shows that the national scholar is against the excessive enthusiasm in studying experimental psychology and the direct application of its methods in pedagogical practice. It is observed that H. Chelpanov’s views rest on the personality-worldview vector, for the focus of the researcher`s scientific studies is a human as a creature of reason, morality, and freedom. That is why his philosophic and pedagogical legacy serves as a continuation of the national pedagogical tradition, built on the humanistic ideas of the spiritual and moral personality formation. It has been proved that the increase of interest in the problem of the soul in the pedagogical and philosophical studies leads to the emergence of new variants of interaction between pedagogy, philosophy, psychology, and the appeal to the centuries-old religious and moral experiences. It was substantiated that the ideas of H. Chelpanov had a significant influence on the spiritual and moral orientations of the Ukrainian academic philosophical thought formation and proved to be concordant with the methodological reorientation of the world humanitarianism in the twentieth century; his thematic analysis of ontological, psychological and anthropological issues also contributed to the formation of professional pedagogy, philosophy, and psychology. However, H. Chelpanov’s question of anthropological foundations of pedagogical knowledge and the peculiarities of its relationship with philosophical and psychological approaches requires further scientific investigation.

Authors and Affiliations

А. Є. Залужна, А. С. Герасименко


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How To Cite

А. Є. Залужна, А. С. Герасименко (2018). Anthropological bases of philosophical and pedagogical searches of H. Chelpanov: problem of experimental pedagogy. Педагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школах, 61(1), 16-19.