Modern German university education as object of neoliberal technocratic reforms
Journal Title: Педагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школах - Year 2018, Vol 60, Issue 2
The author of the given article informs on ambiguity of reforming results of the German higher education system at the present stage. The criticism to address of carried out reforms sounds both on the part of reformers, both on the part of conservatives. Reformers are not satisfied with reforming rates, introduction of market self-control mechanisms into the German higher education system, with results of marketization in the activity of higher schools and of their research centers. They are disappointed by an insufficient increase of the competitiveness level of German higher schools in the global market of granting educational and scientific services. Conservatives are also concerned with full break with the Humboldt ideals of university, education and scientific activity, with narrowing of a profession spectrum, with chase of results. The author insists that higher education system reforming should have as its object the education quality improvement and the improvement of working conditions of scientists, teachers and students, the cognitive activity stimulation as a unique tool of science development and of the scientist and student person formation. The current situation in the reforming German university education makes us think about the problems of reforming Ukrainian universities. In many respects, the situation in German university education has much to do with the situation in Ukraine: Ukrainian universities are largely state institutions, have limited autonomy, are chronically underfunded, and therefore often do not have outstanding achievements in science and teaching. Current reforms are not aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian universities and the formation of a student, teaching and scientific elite, but, above all, reducing the number of universities. Under the conditions of the Ukrainian economy’s crisis, such measures are fully justified, but there is a great danger that Ukrainian higher education will lose its scientific and educational potential as a result of accreditation, certification procedures and ongoing underfunding.
Authors and Affiliations
С. В. Черкашин
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