Being a parent as a learning experience. Andragogical perspective

Journal Title: Rocznik Andragogiczny - Year 2017, Vol 24, Issue


The main assumption of this text is that being a parent can create an opportunity to learn. From an andragogical perspective this assumption refers to the key issue which is the answer about the mechanism of learning experience creation. The way the author chooses to consider this problem is phenomenography research on what adult people have experienced being a mother or father in their lives and what they have learnt in this situation. The main instrument of their learning experience description is the concept of upbringing identified through the prism of the following questions: What does it mean that you are a parent? How do you know how to create a relation with your child? What in your opinion is the success and failure in your parenting? In the end this small project demonstrates that instrumentality is the domain form of the description of parents’ thinking about children and reality in which they exist. That is why the author asks about the potential of cultural foundation in the formation of the learning experience.

Authors and Affiliations

Alicja Jurgiel-Aleksander


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  • EP ID EP394558
  • DOI 10.12775/RA.2017.005
  • Views 65
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How To Cite

Alicja Jurgiel-Aleksander (2017). Being a parent as a learning experience. Andragogical perspective. Rocznik Andragogiczny, 24(), 75-86.