[b][i]Bezpośrednia cywilna kontrola organów władzy wykonawczej nad siłami zbrojnymi RP [/i][/b]
Journal Title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem - Year 2010, Vol 2, Issue 1
Authors and Affiliations
Wojciech Sokolewicz
Wojciech Sokolewicz
[b][i]Energy Security in Poland in the Context of Energy Security in the European Union[/i][/b]
Energy security is a wide notion, which is rather difficult of define in an unambiguous way. However, from a geopolitical point of view, national energy security primarily means the secure access to vari-ous energy carri...
Parlament, głowa państwa i rząd jako organy kreowania i stosowania krajowej polityki antykorupcyjnej (na przykładzie Ukrainy)
Sukces dalszego rozwoju Ukrainy jako suwerennego, niezależnego i demokratycznego państwa bardziej niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej uzależniony jest od determinacji zarówno polityków, jak i urzędników państwowych oraz poszanowa...
Reflections on the French Council of State’s Ruling of 26 August 2016 “Banning the »Burkini«”
The article offers an analysis into the French Council of State’s ruling of 26 August 2016, which suspended a ban – imposed by a decision of a mayor of a coastal resort town – on wearing the burkini on local beaches. “Th...
University in the Light of the Act on Higher Education and Science of 3 July 2018. Selected Issues
The Act on Higher Education and Science of 2018 considerably restricts the internal autonomy of universities. Management is vested in rectors and university boards while neglecting the role of faculties, which, if establ...
[b]The Legal Situation of Parties to a Franchise Agreement after Termination[/b]
Quite a lot of emphasis has been placed in the research on franchise arrangements as a form of cooperation between entrepreneurs, as well as on franchise agreements that constitute the framework for such cooperation. Thi...