Bibliografia przekładów literatury macedońskiej w Polsce w 2015 roku
Journal Title: Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich - Year 2016, Vol 7, Issue 2
Bibliography of translations of Macedonian literature in Poland in the year 2015
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Błaszak
Przekład jako narzędzie propagandy. Miesięcznik „Polska: czasopismo ilustrowane” w latach 1954—1956 / Translation as a propaganda tool The monthly Poland: Illustrated Magazine in the years 1954—1956
The monthly Poland: Illustrated Magazine was published (with an interruption) from 1954 to 1999. In the period under analysis (1954—1956), apart from its Polish version, the magazine was also published in English, French...
Toneta Pretnarja prevod sonetov Jana Nepomucena Kamińskega
Jan Nepomucen Kamiński was, in the first half of the nineteenth century, an important figure in the Polish cultural life in Lvov. He is, however, lesser known as a poet. Tone Pretnar’s de‑ cision to translate fourteen of...
O leksyce bezekwiwalentnej w tłumaczeniu. Szkic psycholingwistyczny
This paper attempts to discuss the importance and validity of the concept of equivalence as a constitutive feature in translation theory. Equivalence is defined as a relation that holds between a source language (SL) and...
Drugi v Drugem: književni citati v poljskem in italijanskem prevodu romana Gimnazijka Antona Ingoliča
Drugi v Drugem: književni citati v poljskem in italijanskem prevodu romana Gimnazijka Antona Ingoliča
Bibliografia przekładów literatury polskiej w Słowacji w latach 1990―2006
The bibliography of translations of Polish literature in Slovakia from 1990 to 2006