Bibliografia przekładów literatury polskiej w Słowacji w latach 2007—2012
Journal Title: Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich - Year 2014, Vol 4, Issue 2
The bibliography of translations of Polish literature in Slovakia from 2007 to 2012
Authors and Affiliations
Marta Buczek
Przekraczając granice. Problem przekładu wulgaryzmów i przekleństw
In this article the problem of taboo words, defined as curses and vulgarisms, appearing and translating is analysed. The source of investigated taboo words is Vedrana Rudan’s novel titled Uho, grlo, nož and its Polish tr...
Dora Gabe i Anna Kamieńska — dialogi poetyckie
In this article poetic dialogues between the women poets and translators are represented as a conversation about the mother who is an inspiration for their artistic creativity. From this point of view the translation pra...
Przypisy tłumacza w polskim przekładzie zbioru esejów Terra incognita Draga Jančara
The author has analyzed the translator’s footnotes in the Polish translation of Terra Incognita. The footnotes are problematic, because some people consider them a discredit to the translator, while others think them a s...
Słowacki klimat Europy Środkowej w Polsce
The article focuses on the issues related to the translations of Slovak contemporary literature into Polish in recent years. It considers the translation and reception of the Slovak literary works in the Polish market wh...
Komentarz do przekładów literatury polskiej na język macedoński w 2014 roku
There were five translations of Polish literature into Macedonian published in 2014. All of them are novels, but they show the diversity in genres in contemporary Polish literature, because all of them are from the last...