Być jak Tony Halik. Społeczno-kulturowe determinanty wyłonienia się kategorii travelbrytów
Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2019, Vol 59, Issue 1
In recent years, the dynamic development of tourism has been remarkable. Nowadays more and more people travel for the purpose of tourism farther and more frequently. As a response to this situation, some people have decided to transform their travel into a profession, a way of life and a tool to gain popularity. They are travelbrities. It seems that the creation of this social category is primarily the result of two processes - the mentioned progress in the field of tourism, as well as the developing phenomenon of celebritism. However, this type of reflection is superficial and insufficient for such a complex topic. The aim of this article is to make a description of the social category of travelbrities, as well as the reconstruction of its socio-cultural determinants. Illustrations for the issues discussed are examples from the Polish “show-travel-business”.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Sarzyńska
„Zwoje muskułów monstrualnych rozmiarów i dużo nagiego ciała”. Kultura popularna, nowe technologie medialne i legitymizacja socjalistycznego projektu kulturowego
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