Carewicz carstwa Montparnasse”: narkoman, czy „paryski Dionizos w porwanych spodniach”? – legenda Borysa Popławskiego
Journal Title: Slavia Orientalis - Year 2014, Vol 0, Issue 2
This article concerns the life and artistic output of one of the most talented, but also the most controversial representatives of the so-called „first wave of Russian emigration” –Boris Poplavski. The author synthesizes the most significant utterances of his contemporaries –writers and critics. Special emphasis is put on the factors that affected the shape of Poplawski’s literary achievements, such as, for instance, emigration, poverty and drugs. The author of this paper specifies her further research goals and discusses the question of how the author of Флагов is read in Poland.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Stawinoga
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