Carewicz carstwa Montparnasse”: narkoman, czy „paryski Dionizos w porwanych spodniach”? – legenda Borysa Popławskiego
Journal Title: Slavia Orientalis - Year 2014, Vol 0, Issue 2
This article concerns the life and artistic output of one of the most talented, but also the most controversial representatives of the so-called „first wave of Russian emigration” –Boris Poplavski. The author synthesizes the most significant utterances of his contemporaries –writers and critics. Special emphasis is put on the factors that affected the shape of Poplawski’s literary achievements, such as, for instance, emigration, poverty and drugs. The author of this paper specifies her further research goals and discusses the question of how the author of Флагов is read in Poland.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Stawinoga
Rosja w niepublikowanym dramacie Stanisława Brzozowskiego Z dymem pożarów
Z dymem z pożarów (Up in Smoke of Blaze) The drama by Stanisław Brzozowski picks up the subject of Russian Revolution of 1905. It shows the dark side of the Russian nation that seeks revenge not freedom and that is demo...
Poszukiwanie nowej tożsamości u schyłku Rosji carskiej – Człowiek w futerale Antoniego Czechowa
This article contains the analysis of literary vision of new identity proposed by Chekhov on the eve of upcoming changes in the Russian society. The short story The Man in a Case turns out to be a literary work in which...
Aleksander Sołżenicyn – kontynuator rosyjskiego renesansu kulturowego. Dialog pisarza z Siemionem Frankiem
A. Solzhenitsyn is an heir to and a continuator of the ideas of the Russian religious and philosophical renaissance, a period of a great intellectual and spiritual boom in Russia at the turn of the 20th century. What con...
Діалектна акцентуаційна альтернатива рухомому акцентному типу в дієслівному наголошенні
The article deals with the accent of verbs on of the Ukrainian south-west dialectal array of type валbти – вfлю, валbш; варbти – вfрю, варbш; палbти – пfлю, палbш and others like that, what in literary Ukrainian have a m...
O zmianie rodzaju gramatycznego i liczby w tekstach publikowanych w kowieńskim tygodniku „Chata Rodzinna” z lat 1922-1940
The language of analysed weekly „Chata Rodzinna”, published in Kaunas in 1922-1940, in spite of aditorial revision, contains some distinctive features in the field of inflexion. Only the grammar gender and number changes...