Changes of state and structure of Schivereckia podoliсa (Besser) Andrz. ex DC. (Brassicaceae) coenopopulations in the conditions of original habitat types of the Smotrich canyon (Кmyanets-Podilsky city, Khmelnytsk region) for 10 years


Results of study of coentopopulations age structure changes of Schivereckia podolica (Besser) Andrz. ex DC. (Brassicaceae) local population in the conditions of the Smotrych Canyon on the territory of Kamenets-Podilsky city (Khmelnytsky region) for 10 years are presented. The influence of some factors on the structure of coenopopulations has been analyzed. It is shown that as a result of intensive anthropogenic transformation of natural vegetation, the state of its coenopopulations changes significantly. Long-term observations of this species give grounds to assert that it is characterized by a metapopulation structure; therefore, it is necessary to take into account the dynamic trends of the state and structure of its local populations for its optimal preservation. Within 10 years, due to the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, changes in the age structure of the investigated coenopopulations occurred. These changes had different meanings for the survival of the local population in general, since both positive and negative values for its structural and functional state had. If in 2006 age spectra were either left-sided or right-sided, then in 2015 bimodal spectra appeared. This suggests about the multivariate population survival strategy. The analysis of demographic indicators of the analyzed cenopopulation indicates that in general the local population of the species is safe, and its condition depends on the intensity of the influence of anthropogenic factors.

Authors and Affiliations

Олександр Кагало, В. А. Колодій


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  • EP ID EP304107
  • DOI 10.31861/biosystems2017.02.270
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How To Cite

Олександр Кагало, В. А. Колодій (2017). Changes of state and structure of Schivereckia podoliсa (Besser) Andrz. ex DC. (Brassicaceae) coenopopulations in the conditions of original habitat types of the Smotrich canyon (Кmyanets-Podilsky city, Khmelnytsk region) for 10 years. Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy), 9(2), 270-277.