Children's drawings and their analysis as a method supporting understanding of concepts in workshops at children's universities
Journal Title: e-mentor - Year 2018, Vol 76, Issue 4
Drawing is for a child a form of play and a way of free expression. At the same time, it is an opportunity to develop imagination, creativity, and knowledge about the surrounding world. For psychologists and therapists, a child’s drawing, as part of the projection methods used, is a source of knowledge about its emotions, personality, and situation. Also, the marketing specialists make use of projection techniques, including projection drawings, for instance, to study the behaviors of youngest consumers. The article aims to present the way of using the projection method, such as a drawing analysis during the educational workshops and for qualitative research conducted among the youngest. In the first part of the article, the subject literature on projection techniques, in particular on a drawing analysis is reviewed. In the further part, the stages of a child’s drawing development along with their characteristics are presented. The last section illustrates the proposals for the use of a projection drawing as part of the workshop work with children and an example of such activities are given. It should be emphasized that the use of projection methods requires educators to possess knowledge, sensitivity, and caution in the interpretation. Children’s drawings differ concerning their artistic talents, age, stage of development and symbols used. The proper understanding of the last sphere is a very complex process.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Sanak-Kosmowska
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