Co zawiera tom Lubelskie wydany w serii „Nowego Kolberga”?
Journal Title: Studia i Materiały Lubelskie - Year 2015, Vol 18, Issue
What does the volume Lublin released in the “New Kolberg” series contain? The text discusses the contents of the volume Lubelskie, which appeared in 2011 in the publishing series by Art Institute, Polish Academy of Science, “Polish Song and Folk Music. Sources and Materials,” also called “New Kolberg.” The volume consists of six parts (I. Annual songs and rites, II. Songs and family rites, III. Situational songs and lyrics, IV. Common songs, V. Class and professional songs, VI. Instrumental music. Instruments-performers-repertoire) and presents 5180 songs and melodies, belonging to the traditional repertoire of the region of Lublin. Based on the example of just two species – the songs of courtship and love, and wedding songs, the authors show how the content of the new volume Lubelskie is related to Kolberg’s The Peoples. Out of the 470 songs of courtship and love published in the discussed volume only about 160 are confirmed in Kolberg’s different volumes. “New” Lublin erotica are based on quite a rich parallelsymbolic code, but there are also songs of “lower flight” without sophisticated symbolism, operating within simple vocabulary. As far as in other volumes Kolberg presented in detail scenarios of different weddings from numerous locations, in the new Lublin, three types of weddings of three sub regions are reconstructed based on data from a variety of villages in the areas of Lublin, Zamość and Chełm.
Authors and Affiliations
Jerzy Bartmiński, Beata Maksymiuk-Pacek, Katarzyna Prorok
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