Inwazja sztuki – o działaniach twórczych na ekspozycjach stałych w Muzeum Lubelskim, w głównej siedzibie na zamku Dyskusja i résumé wystawy „[A]symetrie”, sztuka współczesna w kontekście muzeum
Journal Title: Studia i Materiały Lubelskie - Year 2016, Vol 19, Issue
Art Invasion – Creative Action on Permanent Exhibitions of Main Residence of Lublin Museum The Lublin Museum owns a complex collection of antiques that has been assembled for almost 110 years. This peculiar set, together with the history of the Castle Hill (on which the Museum is situated), the architectonic appearance of which had been formed through centuries, will remain a permanent exhibition. The Keep was constructed in the middle of the 13th century, the gothic Holy Trinity Chapel – in the 14th century, and the southern and western wings of the Castle – in the 1820s. The northern wing is a result of architectonic efforts of the 1950s. Through its varied architecture, numerous substantive departments and activities, the Museum holds a role of a centre of dialogues, meetings of various cultures and traditions, affirmation of remembrance and art; it requires reflecting about both passage of time and future. The “ »[A]ssymetries«. Modern Art in the Context of a Museum” Exhibition successfully provided an answer to all of these points.
Authors and Affiliations
Jolanta Żuk-Orysiak
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