Commonness and Uncommonness of a Meeting - Dialogics of Martin Buber Towards the Relationship Between a Teacher and a Pupil. Pedagogical Intuitions
Journal Title: Nauki o wychowaniu. Studia interdyscyplinarne - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 2
This paper aims to examine Martin Buber's concept of educating. Buber's specific field of interest was the teacher-pupil relation. It is not purely dialogical since the notion of 'embracing' inheres only in the teacher. Only he/she can recognize the specifics, dynamics and the aim of the educating process. Nevertheless, the relation with the pupil manifests a number of features typical for dialogics, such as: candor, directness, mutual engagement, subjective attitude towards partners, and - above all - 'presence' understood as mutual 'being-towards'. An important issue raised by Buber in his concept of pedagogy is the problem of creativity. The creative potential, possessed by every pupil, is particularly valuable from the perspective of pedagogy. The teacher takes actions to reveal and shape it. However, developing creativity should not be treated as the goal, but as the means. The creator, despite the fact that he/she creates for others, remains solitary. The process of creating does not open him/her to the others, since they do not experience him/her, but only the result of the process. Therefore, it is an illusion to expect creativity to lead to community.
Authors and Affiliations
Witold P. Glinkowski
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