Communicative failures in the interethnic interaction situation: definition and main characteristic features.


The given article deals with the notion of communicative failures. The definition of the above mentioned notion is given and its main characteristic features are enumerated on the material of the English media discourse. Communicative failures are studied concerning interethnic interaction situation with participants representing different ethnic groups of multicultural Great Britain and the USA. Communicative failures are defined as communication breakdowns which arise during the process of interaction. Certain speech units do not have necessary influence on the participant due to communicative failures. The latter can emerge on different levels of understanding including morphological or syntactical analysis as well as communicative or practical objectives of the participant. Communicative failures can be of verbal/non-verbal character. They depend on the usage of verbal or non-verbal communicative components. Another set of communicative failures deals with different linguistic images of the world, thus dealing with different cultures. The wrong interpretation of gestures is among the reasons of arising communicative failures. Main types of communicative failures found in the English media are mentioned in the article. The conducted analysis shows that communicative failures in the British media are mainly of verbal character. Linguistic and cognitive communicative failures should also be mentioned. They can arise from the side of the speaker as well as the receiver. The American media provide samples of communicative failures of linguistic and cognitive character due to cultural differences of both participants.

Authors and Affiliations

Н. І. Лютянська


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Рецензія: Чистяк Д. О. Міфопоетична космологія в мові української та бельгійської символістської поезії (К.: Саміт-Книга, 2018. – 684 с.)

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How To Cite

Н. І. Лютянська (2018). Communicative failures in the interethnic interaction situation: definition and main characteristic features.. Науковий вісник Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Серія: Філологічні науки (мовознавство), 9(), 126-128.