Considerations on EN 9100: 2016 / AS 9100D standard new changes
Journal Title: INCAS BULLETIN - Year 2018, Vol 10, Issue 1
This article aims to highlight the main changes brought by the new edition of standard EN 9100: 2016 / AS 9100D. This standard is an effective tool for organizations working in the aerospace industry, providing the framework for achieving the ultimate goal of on-quality and on-time delivery of products and services. Using the SR EN ISO 9001: 2015 model for quality management system requirements and validation of compliance by third party assessment, EN 9100: 2016 / AS 9100D has been developed to include additional requirements that are of particular interest to the aerospace industry. Aspects of safety and performance of aerospace products are critical to stakeholders, appearing to be an uncompromising standard for guidance.
Authors and Affiliations
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