Contemporary surgical methods of glottis dilatation

Journal Title: Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny - Year 2012, Vol 1, Issue 1


Laryngeal stenosis leads to dyspnea and voice disorders. The intensity of those symptoms are different in every case and depends on the reason, course of impairment and proposed treatment procedures. The reasons of larynx (glottis) stenosis and different treatment possibilities were analyzed. The laser technique of laryngeal dilatation due to the scars and/or granulation is usually used with subsequent local mitomycin C application and eventual silastic sheet insertion, as a prophylaxis in case of recurrent stenoses. The attention was paid mainly on bilateral vocal cords paralysis. Many surgical procedures were presented. The most effiient: laser arytenotidectomy with posterior partial cordectomy (Ossoff) and lateral fiation (Lichtenberger) were analyzed. In conclusion it was suggested that Lichtenberger procedure is dedicated mainly to the early vocal cords paralysis, while laser application to the permanent impairments. Both procedures allow to avoid the tracheotomy in the majority of cases.

Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Misiołek, Magdalena Kycia-Marków, Krzysztof Orłowski, Paweł Sowa, Grzegorz Namysłowski


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Maciej Misiołek, Magdalena Kycia-Marków, Krzysztof Orłowski, Paweł Sowa, Grzegorz Namysłowski (2012). Contemporary surgical methods of glottis dilatation. Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny, 1(1), -.