Ivan Kotlyarevsky’s Eneyida is a poem rich in paremic elements. The poem was considered
a breakthrough in Ukrainian literature, not only because it was written in lively Ukrainian language, but, thanks to the author’s f...
This article contains the attempt to determine the linguistic status of the word nieudacznik (Russian: неудачник; English: loser) and to describe the Polish concept of „nieudacznik” and its axiological circle.
Pavlo Tychyna was one of the Ukrainian poets whose works were very popular among Polish critics and translators during the interwar period. In the 1930s, the value of his poetry was also noticed by the representatives of...
This article is devoted to a special kind of errors made by the scribes of the Old Russian Books of the Gospels. These are erroneous wordings which create the impression of being correct, since they constitute existing w...
Iwona Łuczków (2002). Czas względny a taxis : (na materiale języka polskiego i rosyjskiego). ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
99-108. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-646743
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Ukraińskie przysłowia i porzekadła w polskim przekładzie Eneidy Iwana Kotlarewskiego
Ivan Kotlyarevsky’s Eneyida is a poem rich in paremic elements. The poem was considered a breakthrough in Ukrainian literature, not only because it was written in lively Ukrainian language, but, thanks to the author’s f...
Nieudacznik - pożyczka leksykalna czy wyraz obcy?
This article contains the attempt to determine the linguistic status of the word nieudacznik (Russian: неудачник; English: loser) and to describe the Polish concept of „nieudacznik” and its axiological circle.
Poezja Pawła Tyczyny w tłumaczeniu Kazimierza Andrzeja Jaworskiego
Pavlo Tychyna was one of the Ukrainian poets whose works were very popular among Polish critics and translators during the interwar period. In the 1930s, the value of his poetry was also noticed by the representatives of...
Прэже съжения всего мира – о некоем типе ошибок в древнерусских списках Евангелия
This article is devoted to a special kind of errors made by the scribes of the Old Russian Books of the Gospels. These are erroneous wordings which create the impression of being correct, since they constitute existing w...
"Apologia obłąkanego" Piotra Czaadajewa