Telling history in guided city tours means negotiating it with the audiences on the ground. The narration does not only have to be anchored in the specific urban space, it also has to meet the tourists’ expectations, pre...
The article discusses Lou Reed's "Walk On the Wild Side" - one of the
most important songs in rock music history. Out of ethnographic
insight on New York Lou Reed creates a story of the '60s, where - in
opposition to a h...
EP ID EP80317
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Grzegorz Zyzik (2015). „Czciciele torrentów” Rozważania o współczesnym
modelu kinofilii . Kultura Popularna, 1(43),
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Narrating Jewish history in free walking tours – Warsaw as a case study
Telling history in guided city tours means negotiating it with the audiences on the ground. The narration does not only have to be anchored in the specific urban space, it also has to meet the tourists’ expectations, pre...
Dzika strona Ulicy. Lou Reed i Walk on the Wild Side
The article discusses Lou Reed's "Walk On the Wild Side" - one of the most important songs in rock music history. Out of ethnographic insight on New York Lou Reed creates a story of the '60s, where - in opposition to a h...