In the following article the author tries to show the artistic model presented by MarekGrechuta (1945-2006) on his last music album Niezwykłemiejsca (Wondrous places), as well as various consequences of this model`s real...
The article focuses on the conflict between youth and domestic values in 1950s America on the example of the movies The Wild One and Rebel Without a Cause. Using elements of subcultural studies, the films are discussed a...
This article examines the language that we used to use in Internet communication. Traditional bilateral division into written and spoken language is inadequate nowadays. Internet speech, that I named ”third language” has...
EP ID EP80317
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Grzegorz Zyzik (2015). „Czciciele torrentów” Rozważania o współczesnym
modelu kinofilii . Kultura Popularna, 1(43),
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Fifty Shades Of Real. The Sexual and the Virtual in Spike Jonze’s Her
Usta milkły, dusza śpiewała. Wokół ostatnich nagrań Marka Grechuty
In the following article the author tries to show the artistic model presented by MarekGrechuta (1945-2006) on his last music album Niezwykłemiejsca (Wondrous places), as well as various consequences of this model`s real...
Wspólnoty mięsa. Konstruowanie tożsamości grupowej wokół sporu o ubój rytualny
Whaddya rebellin’ against? Youth Rebellion and Domesticity in The Wild One and Rebel Without a Cause
The article focuses on the conflict between youth and domestic values in 1950s America on the example of the movies The Wild One and Rebel Without a Cause. Using elements of subcultural studies, the films are discussed a...
The Third Language.
This article examines the language that we used to use in Internet communication. Traditional bilateral division into written and spoken language is inadequate nowadays. Internet speech, that I named ”third language” has...