Czy nadawane współcześnie „stare” imiona prawosławne zawsze są zamierzonym przejawem powrotu do tradycji?
Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 0
This paper deals with Orthodox baptismal names different from the first names given to the child at the Registry Office. Analysis of source material demonstrated that the number of baptismal names different from those given at the Registry Office constitutes a significant percentage (26.3%) of anthroponyms in the contemporary Orthodox name-giving trend. The choice of baptismal names was motivated by various reasons, but the most popular were names phonetically similar to the names used in the secular world (e.g. Алим - Alan, Анисия - Inesa, Илария - Laura, Кириена - Karina, Мелания - Milena, Христофор - Krystian, etc.). The quoted material shows that the presence of old-style Orthodox names in parish birth records is not necessarily the consequence of an intended return to a forgotten name-giving tradition. It is instead an attempt to combine religious tradition with modern trends in namegiving.
Authors and Affiliations
Michał Mordań
Wspólnota semantyczno-leksykalna języków europejskich. O monografii: А.А. Кретов, О.М. Воевудская, И.А. Меркулова, В.Т. Титов, Единство Европы по данным лексики (Воронеж: Издательский дом ВГУ, 2016, ss. 413 [1])
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