Developing textbook for elementary school as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon


The article deals with the pedagogical problems of constructing the theory of a developing textbook, the methodology of which is the idea of unity of education and education, namely, the ratio of education and development of junior pupils; emphasizes the need for mutual improvement of programs and textbooks for elementary school, the preliminary development of collections of tasks, addressed to students, and methodological guidelines for them. The development of a development textbook should be based on the multifaceted methodological system (the combination of intelligence and emotions, procedural nature, conflicts, variability, upbringing through mutual interactions). The structuring of a developing textbook implies the emergence of new relationships that are generated by the previous ones and provide an opportunity to solve problems that the student did not encounter in previous activities; it is important to take into account the trajectory of thinking the child in a particular learning situation, use in the elementary school notebook as a compulsory component in the work with the textbook, the creation of textbooks is based on a unified methodological system. The focus of the authors of the development textbook for elementary school is not only the result, but also the process of learning. A specific experimental development textbook is conceived as part of a single, holistic, covering all subjects and is characterized by a certain pedagogical content. The established methodological system has the following typological pedagogical properties: versatility, procedural nature, conflicts, variation. Multidimensionality implies that not only the student’s intelligence, but emotions, aspirations and other aspects of the personality are involved in the sphere of learning. The procedural character is based on the condition that the process is not just changes but a series of interconnected stages. Collisions are naturally based on the sharpening of contradictions in mastery of knowledge and contributes to the intensity of student learning, the process of their learning activities and development. The development textbook provides the opportunity for teachers and students to demonstrate and multiply their capabilities.

Authors and Affiliations

В. О. Вихрущ


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How To Cite

В. О. Вихрущ (2018). Developing textbook for elementary school as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon. Педагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школах, 61(1), 38-43.