Development of intellectual and creative skills of future teachers of music art during training performing instrumental
Journal Title: Науковий часопис Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова. Серія 5 Педагогічні науки: реалії та перспективи - Year 2018, Vol 61, Issue
In this article the role of instrumental-performing preparation in the future musical art teachers’ intellectual-creative skills formation is expanded. By virtue of the native and foreign scientific works analysis, it was determined that in the process of mu- sical art teachers’ preparation the great attention is paid to the instrumental-performing based subjects. The author emphasizes that the essential condition of forming intellectual-creative skills is the instrumental-performing activity by using which the working-off of acquired skills in real life situations is made as in the performing the future musical art teachers’ intellectual-cre- ative tendencies are especially strongly developed. This kind of activity gives the opportunity to uncover the individuality wider, develops the creative independence, activates the previous esthetic experience and attracts the necessary associative bonds. In the article the idea that the instrumental performance in comparison with the other types of performing activities has more productive pedagogical opportunities either in the character of performance opening, creative interpretative process or in the process of finding out and developing of intellectual-creative skills is proved. While analyzing the process of future musical art teachers’ instrumental-performing preparation, the author has concluded that the interrelation between the subjects of the instrumental-performing group (the basic, special, additional instrument, con- certmaster and orchestra classes, choir) is absent. Each of the subjects is aimed on their own restricted specific abilities and skills practice.
Authors and Affiliations
Г. С. Корчагіна
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