Differentiated selection of statins in the case of several polymorbid conditions
Journal Title: Медицинский альманах - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 2
Аrchival data of 200 patients with vascular comorbidity (mean age 60±5 years) were studied, who was for a long period of outpatient treatment in a multidisciplinary clinic of the Perm region in the period from January 2010 to December 2014. Were selected 7 options premorbidly states. The side effects of statins were analyzed. Their interaction with drugs recommended for the treatment of concomitant pathologies considered was studied. Evaluation of pleiotropic effects of statins for the rational selection of a specific remedy from the group of lipid-lowering drugs. Statins are allocated by international non-proprietary name in each version polimernogo status indicating the influence on the course of concomitant pathologies. Differentiated recommendations for the choice of a particular drug from the group of statins when combined vascular comorbidity with the most frequent pathological conditions.
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