Directed motivation as a factor influencing the efficiency of organizational staff’s activities


The article defines the theoretical foundations of personnel motivation at the enterprise, presented definition of the term «directed motivation». The result of the study is an analysis of existing systems of motivation and their implementation in the realities of the Ukrainian economy. Presented an analytical study of existing systems directed motivation as a factor of influence the efficiency of activities staff of Ukrainian enterprises in a dynamic change. The conclusion with regard to modern enterprises and complex motivation measures on increasing the efficiency of labor, сonsidering the peculiarities of many factors, which today affect every person in our country.

Authors and Affiliations

Olga Ishchuk, Tetyana Deeva


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  • EP ID EP538100
  • DOI 10.31108/2.2018.4.15.4
  • Views 63
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How To Cite

Olga Ishchuk, Tetyana Deeva (2018). Directed motivation as a factor influencing the efficiency of organizational staff’s activities. Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія, 15(4), 29-35.