Dopuszczalność składania interpelacji i zapytań poselskich, których przedmiotem jest funkcjonowanie Rady Mediów Narodowych
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2017, Vol 56, Issue 4
The Author states that the National Media Council cannot be an addressee of an interpellation or a Deputy’s question. As a rule, admissibility of submitting interpellations and Deputy’s questions, whose subject matter would be the functioning of the Council, is exclued. In addition a particular practical situation, when a member of the Council of Ministers undertakes activities related to the functioning of the NMC, was discussed.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Chybalski
Projekt stanowiska Sejmu w sprawie o sygn. akt P 3/14
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