Drones en el Ecuador: aproximación a una regulación jurídica ineludible
Journal Title: Revista Jurídica Crítica y Derecho - Year 2022, Vol 3, Issue 4
The present work aimed to establish what are the legal regulations and their implications that in the field of artificial intelligence present drones as technological instruments that are in constant development within Ecuador. In this sense, respect for the fundamental rights that may be affected using such equipment concerns not only its operator, but also the State as a guarantor of prevailing legal certainty. This research used a qualitative methodology of descriptive type reaching the conclusion that, although unmanned aircraft operate within the airspace with a wide range of operations and is regulated, it is necessary to deepen the regulation so that it can be proportional to the risks that its manipulation implies by civil society.
Authors and Affiliations
Janetsy Gutiérrez Proenza Kevin Santiago Quishpe Lugmaña Saúl Fernando Tipantuña Tenelema
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