Dubinska muzička pedagogija i četiri načina bivstvovanja
Journal Title: Nastava i vaspitanje/ Studies in Teaching and Education - Year 2023, Vol 72, Issue 2
The core dynamics of human development are mirrored in the relationship between verbal and non-verbal experience and communication. This topic is a focus of research not only in developmental psychology, analytical psychology and psychoanalysis, but also in pedagogy and music education. Deep music pedagogy, introduced in this paper, provides a theoretical framework for the exploration of the music nature of the self in educational contexts. The concept of the self is based on the development of four senses of the self, with emphasis on non-verbal and verbal dynamics and the psychoanalytic perspective of the music nature of the self. These essential dynamics are studied in this article as four ways of (music) being and articulated as four educational standards for music education. Deep music pedagogy lays the foundation for music education employing the full developmental and educational potential of the music nature of the self.
Authors and Affiliations
Nada O'Brien
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