Dymitr Fiłosofow i idea wzajemności polsko-rosyjskich okresu międzywojennego
Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 2000, Vol 1, Issue 0
Authors and Affiliations
Iwona Obłąkowska-Galanciak
Iwona Obłąkowska-Galanciak
Текстовая функция модальной лексики (на материале прозаических произведений Чехова)
The paper considers the function of the lexicon with modal meaning (verbs and predicative words), which expresses various shades of the „situational” modality (possibility, obligation, volition) and develops the subjecti...
Украінскі кантэкст творчасці Сяргея Пясецкага
Jerzy Kamil Weintraub : tłumacz poezji Borysa Pasternaka
Białorusini na Uniwersytecie Stefana Batorego w Wilnie : (rekonesans)
At Stefan Batory University of Vilnius in the period from 1919 until 1939 apart from Poles also Jews, Byelorussians, Russians and Ukrainians studied. All of them tried to set up their own organizations, to develop cultur...
Polska i Polacy w dylogii Siergieja Łukjanienki Brudnopis, Czystopis
The research material in this work is the dilogy of Sergey Lukyanenko Rough Draft (Черновик, 2005) and Final Draft (Чистовик, 2007). In the first part (Rough Draft) the author focuses on the image of modern Russia, while...