Dynamics of metabolic changes in leaves of aboriginal and introduced species of Quercus L. genus in culture of Dnipro city botanical garden
Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2016, Vol 21, Issue 1
Features of dynamics of the soluble proteins content and catalase activity in leaves of six species of the oaks-introducents cultivated in a botanical garden of Dnipro city in comparison with a indigenous species of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) are investigated during vegetative period. Distinctions in speed of proteins accumulation, catalase activity among investigated species of introducents and in comparison with Quercus robur L. has been established as well. It is revealed that species of the Oak genus introduced in the steppe zone of Ukraine adapt to transferring of unfavourable conditions of droughty summer by similar biochemical reorganizations, but at expressed individual reaction of each studied kind of an oak is distinguished.
Authors and Affiliations
L. Shupranova 1, A. Kabar 1, N. Khromikh 1, V. Bilchuk 2 L. Shupranova 1, A. Kabar 1, N. Khromikh 1, V. Bilchuk 2
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