Экспериментальное исследование и математическая модель изменения поперечной разностенности в процессе холодной прокатки труб высокой точности

Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 1


EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH AND MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF THE WALL THICKNESS VARIATION IN COLD ROLLING OF PIPES OF HIGH PRECISION Sokurenko V.P., Markevich I.V. Abstract The question of calculating the accuracy of pipes is very important in the manufacture of pipes with high accuracy in the existing rolling routes. The influence of modern multi-zone calibrations on the variation of the difference during the rolling process is not sufficiently investigated. In the given work authors presents the results of experimental research and suggests a mathematical model for describing the wall thickness variation along the length of the working cone of the tubes with a small initial value of wall thickness variation. Such a process is characterized by a small reduction in diameter. Here the deformation tends to perform mainly on the tube wall. It is of interest to change the small wall thickness variation (4-5%) during the cold rolling of pipes to achieve the possibility of obtaining a finite transverse wall thickness variation from one to two percent. The experiment was carried out at the HPT-90 mill. Pipes were rolled by the route 64×8.0 mm → 42.4×5.0 mm. Material of pipes is steel 35. The coefficients obtained from the processing of the experimental data are used in the mathematical model. This allows using the model for designing the parameters of the process of rolling high-precision tubes, deformation conditions and investigated the steel grade. The production of pipes with small values of the transverse difference will reduce the resource costs and losses of metal during production. In addition, pipes with such a low transverse difference index will meet the requirements of modern standards. References [1] Grigorenko V.U., Klimenko P.L., Khanín M.Í. Rasche-ty kalibrovki i usiliy v stanakh kholodnoy prokat-ki trub s primeneniyem EVM: Uchebnoye posobiye. – Dnepropetrovsk «NMetaU», 2000. – 22 s. [2] Khaustov G.Y. Issledovaniye tochnosti prokatki kho-lodnokatanykh trub: Avtoreferat dis. na soiska-niye stepeni kand. tekh. nauk: spets. 324 «Obrabotka metallov davleniyem» / Khaustov G.Y.. – Dnepropet-rovsk, 1971. – 20 s. [3] Mishchenko A.V. Rezul'taty dannykh komp'yuternogo modelirovaniya i eksperimenta po izmeneniyu eks-tsentrichnoy raznotolshchinnosti pri kholodnoy de-formatsii na opravke / A.V.Mishchenko, V.U.Grigo-renko, A.Stefanek // Plasticheskaya deformatsiya me-tallov: sb. nauchn. trudov v 2-kh tomakh. Dnepropet-rovsk : Aktsept PP. – 2014. – T. 2. – St. 295–299. [4] Henryk Dyja. Development of forecasting method of change of transverse variation in wall thickness in case of cold rolling of pipes made of titanium alloys / Hen-ryk Dyja, Vladimir Grigorenko, Oleksii Mishchenko // Metallurgical and Mining Industry. – Dnipro, 2017 – No.1 – Pp.401–404. [5] 20. Danchenko V.N. Prodol'naya prokatka trub /Danchenko V.N., Chus A.V. –M.: Metallurgiya, 1984. – 137 s. [6] 18. Gulyayev YU.G. Promyshlennaya aprobatsiya spo-soba volocheniya trub povyshennoy tochnosti na ko-rotkoy opravke / YU.G. Gulyayev, Ye.I. Shifrin, D.YU. Garmashev, A.V. Semichev // Metallurgicheskaya i gornorudnaya promyshlennost'. – 2004. – №1. – S.29-30. [7] Kuznetsov Ye.V. Neravnomernost' deformatsii pri prokatke sloistykh polos / Ye.V. Kuznetsov, V.G. Pavlov // Metallurgicheskaya i gornorudnaya pro-myshlennost': Truby V Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii. - Dnepropetrovsk, 2010 - S. 362 – 364. [8] Míshchenko O.V. Do poyasnennya mekhanízmu zmenshennya poperechnoí̈ ríznostínností trub pri kholodníy pro-kattsí na opravtsí / Míshchenko O.V., Grigorenko V.U. // Obrabotka materialov davleniyem. Sbornik nauch-nykh trudov. – Kramatorsk. DGMA, 2011. – №3(28). – S. 216–219.

Authors and Affiliations

В. П. Сокуренко, И. В. Маркевич


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How To Cite

В. П. Сокуренко, И. В. Маркевич (2017). Экспериментальное исследование и математическая модель изменения поперечной разностенности в процессе холодной прокатки труб высокой точности. Математичне моделювання, 1(1), 32-36. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-277098