Journal Title: Revista Científica Retos de la Ciencia - Year 2020, Vol 4, Issue 8
The objective of the proposal is to improve collaborative work in students of General Basic Education in the Educational Unit of "Quisapincha", where you can see a lack of interest when working collaboratively, the project aims to use teaching strategies, which are essential tools for driving the educational process and the construction of new knowledge to generate a bond of good coexistence, human and social relationships to achieve teamwork and harmonic groups, the research uses a qualitative-quantitative methodology, since the analysis and interpretation of the techniques and instruments such as the interview and survey, it was determined that the third year students of basic general education work individually and in isolation with absence of coexistence and values of collaboration; Therefore, it is suggested to use a manual of collaborative teaching strategies that will strengthen the development of skills and attitudes such as: critical and creative thinking, responsibility for learning, searching, organizing, creating and applying information, promoting collaborative learning and self-reflection on learning itself.
Authors and Affiliations
Eulalia Beatriz Becerra García Gloria del Rocío Endara Prieto Rita Piedad Edilma Poma Rojas
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