Ethics (in) Everyday Reality of Education – from Inevitability to Possibility
Journal Title: Nauki o wychowaniu. Studia interdyscyplinarne - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 2
The everyday reality of education as the crossroads intertwining the lifeworlds of the educator and pupil, being ambiguous and diverse, variable, because creating itself, rational and irrational, et cetera, does not allow for trimming in a universal dimension the principles and the expected effects of ethical action. It is a playing field between inevitability and the possibility of ethical pedagogical action. Thus, the article called into question the legitimacy of creating a code of ethics as a document validating the status of the profession of an educator. This is accompanied by the belief that it is extremely difficult to balance deontology with respecting the right of the educator to the personal autonomy, as well as the appreciation of his/her and the pupil's experiencing of the everyday reality of education.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Walczak
Selekcyjna funkcja południowoafrykańskiego systemu edukacji w czasach apartheidu (1948-1994)
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