Evaluation of the “Kindergarten from Home” Programme during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Journal Title: Nastava i vaspitanje/ Studies in Teaching and Education - Year 2021, Vol 70, Issue 2
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in major changes in education around the world. Ac- cording to UNESCO, due to the adoption of precautionary measures to combat the spread of the disease, over 1.5 billion students and children experienced the interruption of formal education, which is the biggest simultaneous shock for all education systems. The international health crisis has led to radical, comprehensive and serious changes in the lives of both children and their parents. Also, COVID-19 has presented early education systems around the world with serious operational challenges. The preschool institution “Đurđevdan” in Kragujevac, respecting the rights of children and ensuring the principles of education and pedagogy, designed the programme “Kindergarten from Home”. The research presented in this paper aims to investigate the satisfaction of parents and children with the “Kindergarten from Home” programme during the COVID-19 pandemic - to determine the attitudes and scope of participation of children and parents. The sample included 488 parents and 302 children. The results show that the activities: spending time together with the family (43%), activities in the yard, nature (22%), and activities for motor skills (10%) produced the highest level of contentment in children. A large majority of children (73%) are motivated to continue the “Kindergarten from Home” programme. A majority of parents and children (over 60%) have given the “Kindergarten from home” programme the highest marks for interest and usefulness. Тhe greatest percentage of the parents (42%) consider the “activities for early literacy development” exceptionally important for their child and family, whereas almost a quarter of the parents consider “working habits” as such. More than half of the parents regularly participated in the activities of the programme “Kindergarten from Home”. The programme will be continued with the goal of providing support to the education of children and their families, even after the normalization of the work of kin- dergarten, for all children who are prevented from attending kindergarten.
Authors and Affiliations
Pajević Aleksandra, Fehratović Mirsen
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