Evaluation of the survivability of femoral shaft reconstructions after resection of tumor and tumor-like lesions
Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2005, Vol 7, Issue 6
Background. The reconstruction of femoral shaft defects after tumor resection involves joining healthy bone fragments with plates or intramedullary rods, using methyl metacrylate cement or bone grafts.Material and methods. 50 patients (35 females and 15 males) were operated over the last 24 years. The patients' ages ranged from 12 to 80 years (mean 56). Results. There were 37 bone metastases, 11 primary neoplasms, 1 eosiniphilic granuloma and 1 solitary bone cyst. Plates were used for reconstruction in 17 cases, and intramedullary rods in 31 cases. Long intramedullary fibula grafts were used to stabilize bone fragments in 2 patients with benign lesions. The post-resection defect was filled with methyl metacrylate cement in 47 cases, and with bone chips in 3 cases. One patient died shortly after surgery, 5 were nonambulatory because of diffusion of neoplastic changes. There were 4 deep infections and 4 tumor recurrences in other patients. Mechanical failures occurred in 10 patients from 2 to 30 months postoperatively because of methyl metacrylate loosening.Conclusions. Bone-cement union is the decisive factor in stabilizing fragments after a tumor has been resected from the femoral shaft and the defect filled with cement. The defect filling after resection of a segment of the femur is only stable for a short time; later, there is loosening and the resultant fracture of the rod. Bone cement should be used to fill the defect in patients treated for metastases to bone, but not in patients with a primary bone tumor. Plates should not be used to join the fragment of the femur.
Authors and Affiliations
Jacek Kopacz, Tomasz Mazurkiewicz, Edward Warda, Władysław Rogała
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