Features of adaptation of Schoenus ferrugineus L. To transformed environmental conditions


The factors of anthropogenic transformation of the groups S. ferrugineus have been characterized. According to the floristic classification, investigated communities classified as one class of sedge-moss vegetation in lowland, transitional swamps and marshy basins of the moderate, boreal and arctic zones of the Northern Hemisphere. Communities have been diagnosed as two associations of the Union of carbonate sedentary marshes. Communities of S. ferrugineus was characterized by a high degree of rare species phytocoenoses. Phytocoenoses were mostly triple-to-one stored. The effects of drainage reclamation, existing or former development of peatlands, physical impact and pyrogenic factors were caused changes in ecological conditions of ecotopes. The connection between edaphic and climatic factors was show, depending on the degree of anthropogenic transformation has been determined by means of factor analysis. Close correlation between ombra-regime and cryo-regime with any of the edaphic factors was not determined. The fundamental and realized ecological niches of species were compared. The amplitude of the values of climatic factors corresponded to fundamental econiche of species. Fluctuations of carbonate content, acidity, humidity and aeration of soil on the transformation gradient were revealed. The similarity of ceno-populations to ecological conditions has been determined by means of cluster analysis. The weak, medium and strong degrees of transformation of environment, accompanied by ecological-cenotic adaptation changes of species populations were established.

Authors and Affiliations

О. І. Блінкова, Н. А. Пашкевич, Т. А. Васільєва


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  • EP ID EP304116
  • DOI 10.31861/biosystems2017.02.278
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How To Cite

О. І. Блінкова, Н. А. Пашкевич, Т. А. Васільєва (2017). Features of adaptation of Schoenus ferrugineus L. To transformed environmental conditions. Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy), 9(2), 278-289. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-304116