Fiber optic sensor of the octane number of light fuels


Recently, information-measuring systems, built on the basis of fiber-optic sensors, are increasingly becoming widespread. This trend is due to a number of advantages of fiber-optic sensors over traditional ones: they are highly sensitive, resistant to electromagnetic interference, are electrically passive, of low weight and size, are easily multiplexed and have a low cost of manufacturing sensitive elements. At the same time, the use of existing fiber optic devices revealed their lack of reliability and safety in the precise control of the properties of light fuels in special operating conditions. To find ways to improve the metrological characteristics of the devices for controlling the properties of light fuels, the designs of the most common measuring transducers were analyzed. In the prevailing conditions, it was expedient to develop a new circuit design solution for the fiber optic control device for octane number of light fuels. It was assumed that a constructive implementation based on fiber-optic elements should provide a measuring device: no power supply; increased security of the elements; possibility of compensation of temperature influence on elements of the device and controlled liquid; maintaining the high level of sensitivity and performance of devices of known types. A solution for the proposed problem is proposed by the fiber-optic sensor of an octane number. The proposed circuit design differs in that the coil is made of a fiber optic fiber and is both an elastic and sensitive element, a sensitive element of the device separated from the liquid by a flexible membrane, and a bi-metal plate is used to compensate for the temperature of the surrounding medium-high. The use of the proposed device in petroleum product control systems will allow adequately and reliably to quantify the octane number of light fuels.

Authors and Affiliations

Albert Sandler, Aleksandr Karpilov


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How To Cite

Albert Sandler, Aleksandr Karpilov (2018). Fiber optic sensor of the octane number of light fuels. Автоматизация судовых технических средств, 1(24), 88-93.