Foreign trade in oilseeds and its products after Poland’s accession to the EU
Journal Title: Rośliny Oleiste - Oilseed Crops - Year 2010, Vol 31, Issue 1
Poland’s integration with the EU has had a positive impact on the production, processing, and trade in oilseeds and derivative products. The access to a wide EU market has been reflected in growing trade in these products. In the period of 2004–2009, the value of oilseed exports increased from 37.5 million euro to 407.5 million euro (eleven-fold growth), and the value of imports from 501.4 million EURO to 1058.2 million euro (two-fold).Despite the dynamic export growth, Poland – as the whole European Union – remains a net oilseed importer. In the period of 2004–2007, the negative trade balance in oilseeds and derivative products remained at 400–500 million euro. In 2008, following oilseed price growth on the world market, the oilseed trade deficit grew to app. 780 million euro. Then, in 2009, it declined to app. 650 million euro.The negative oilseed trade balance is mostly a consequence of much larger imports than exports of oilseed meals (especially soymeal) and vegetable oils (primarily the ones derived from plants grown in other climatic zones), and to a much smaller extent – oilseeds. Since 1997, the balance of margarine trade has been positive. Moreover, the balance of trade in rapeseeds and derivative products (rapeseed oil and meal) is also positive. During the first 4 years after Poland’s accession to the EU, its value grew from app. 13 million euro in 2003 to over 80 million euro in 2004, and to over 300 million euro in 2007. Then, in the last 2 years, it declined to app. 150–170 million euro.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Rosiak
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