In the present article a linguistic image of animals, excerpted from poems of Twardowski, compared with his translation to Russian are the object of analysis. The subject matter of the works concentrates on the most impo...
This article deals with the specifics of the language and the translational difficulties of Teffi (Nadezhda Lochwicka), one of the most recognized figures of pre-revolutionary Russia, poet, columnist and author of humoro...
This paper is a short history of presentation of Russian emigrant literature in Polish textbookssince the 1970s. The author emphasizes that even in the period of Marxist views the best specialistson the subject tried to...
EP ID EP657994
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Bazyli Tichoniuk (1996). Formy narodowe imion w popisach wojsk litewskich w XVI wieku. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Formacje z sufiksem -uszko wśród nazwisk współcześnie w Polsce używanych
Polska w życiu i twórczości Liny Kostenko
Świat zwierząt w wierszach Jana Twardowskiego i ich rosyjskich przekładach
In the present article a linguistic image of animals, excerpted from poems of Twardowski, compared with his translation to Russian are the object of analysis. The subject matter of the works concentrates on the most impo...
Kobieta demoniczna Teffi (1872–1952) w przekładzie Juliana Tuwima
This article deals with the specifics of the language and the translational difficulties of Teffi (Nadezhda Lochwicka), one of the most recognized figures of pre-revolutionary Russia, poet, columnist and author of humoro...
Литература русского зарубежья в польских учебных пособиях
This paper is a short history of presentation of Russian emigrant literature in Polish textbookssince the 1970s. The author emphasizes that even in the period of Marxist views the best specialistson the subject tried to...