Kobieta demoniczna Teffi (1872–1952) w przekładzie Juliana Tuwima
Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 0
This article deals with the specifics of the language and the translational difficulties of Teffi (Nadezhda Lochwicka), one of the most recognized figures of pre-revolutionary Russia, poet, columnist and author of humorous stories. The author verifies the thesis essence on the material the novel’s title from the collection Demonic woman and her Polish variant in the translation of Julian Tuwim. Evaluating the choice validity of translator equivalents from the standpoint of the author’s individual style, the ideological-theatrical and the stylistic aspects were taken into account.
Authors and Affiliations
Iwona Anna NDiaye
Rosyjskie odpowiedniki przekładowe polskiego predykatywu trzeba
The article shows the Russian equivalents of the lexeme trzeba extracted from the contemporary Polish prose and its translation into Russian. The modal predicatives нужно and надо and the forms приходится and следует are...
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The article shows on the basis of his three collections of poetry the firm profound relationship of the Belorussian poet with the Polish culture, and simultaneously the fervent opposition of the poetical word to the Poli...
"Wesele" i inne utwory Stanisława Wyspiańskiego na łamach "Kuriera Litewskiego" i "Dziennika Wileńskiego" w latach 1906-1907 : informacja bibliograficzna
Целью настоящей статьи является продемонстрировать историкам прессы и театра, материалы о С. Выспянском, которые публиковались в 1906-1907 годах на страницах виленских ежедневних газет „Kurier Litewski” и „Dziennik Wileń...
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