This article provides a comparative analysis of translation strategies for the English titles of Oscar-winning movies (Academy Award for Best Picture) into Polish, German and Russian.
The titles analyzed show two strate...
Poland and Polish people are shown in the Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s writing in the context
of complicated Polish-Russian relations. In Repentance and Self-limitation the author criticises Polish
nation for being unable to...
EP ID EP646744
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Bazyli Tichoniuk (2002). Formacje z sufiksem -uszko wśród nazwisk współcześnie w Polsce używanych. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Tytuły filmów „oskarowych” w wielojęzycznym przekładzie
This article provides a comparative analysis of translation strategies for the English titles of Oscar-winning movies (Academy Award for Best Picture) into Polish, German and Russian. The titles analyzed show two strate...
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Polskie akcenty w publicystyce Aleksandra Sołżenicyna
Poland and Polish people are shown in the Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s writing in the context of complicated Polish-Russian relations. In Repentance and Self-limitation the author criticises Polish nation for being unable to...