Fudayl b. İyâz’in Hadis İlmindeki Yeri ve Temel Hadis Kaynaklarındaki Rivayetleri
Journal Title: Mevzu – Journal of Social Sciences - Year 2019, Vol 0, Issue 2
Fudayl b. Iyaz, one of the crucial scholars in the hijri II century, was borned in Horasan (Khurasan) and went to the Kufa so as to learn science at a young age. what is more, he took hadith courses from various vital scholars such as Mansûr b. el-Mu‘temir, A‘meş, Süfyân es-Sevrî, Leys b. Ebî Süleym, and Husayn b. Abdurrahmân. After Kufe, he settled in Mecca in order to engage in worship and died there in (hijri)187 years. Names of Müsedded b. Müserhed or Yahyâ b. Saîd el-Kattân can be examples of his students who narrated hadiths from him. Fudayl b. Iyaz wo had 32 narratives in the Kütüb-i Tis‘a is considered a reliable narrater.
Authors and Affiliations
Ömer Faruk KAVUNCU
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